Having grown up on a farm in New Zealand, horses were always a part of my life since I was very young. Even as a child, I had a special interest in healing sick or injured animals, mostly the ones that everyone else had given up on, and as a teenager I developed an interest in horse hoof health and function.  After studying animal science and psychology with a focus on animal behaviour at Massey University in New Zealand, I pursued my interest in horses working for several years as an exercise rider, doing yearling sales prep, as well as caring for and rehabilitating injured racehorses for some of the leading thoroughbred trainers and breeding farms in both New Zealand and Australia. While living in Australia, I also studied equine herbal medicine at the National College of Traditional Medicine in Melbourne. Having grown up on an organic farm, alternative and natural approaches have always been instilled in my mind. It was in Australia that I sought an alternative to conventional horse shoeing methods and became interested in natural hoof care and barefoot trimming. Having gained valuable knowledge from experienced horsemen and women, farriers and trimmers,  I moved to Canada with my husband Carsten, a knowledgeable horsemen and trainer himself, and together we started an equine rehabilitation and training business in Alberta, while I continued to pursue my interest in natural hoof care and worked on problem hooves and rescue cases. After several years of trimming my own horses as well as a few clients here and there, at the start of 2012 I started trimming professionally full time in Alberta, where I had over 250 horses in my care. We then moved ourselves and the business to the beautiful West Kootenay region of British Columbia, where I continued to gain experience working on horses and donkeys with severe pathologies to competitive dressage athletes and everything in between. We have since relocated to the Far North region of New Zealand, where we wish to remain permanently. I endeavor to stay up to date with the research and attend clinics regularly, as the natural hoof care field is a very new one. Exciting new research and discoveries continue to progress and enhance the field.